
  1. Revenue Share Launch

    • Initiate revenue-sharing mechanisms with partnerships and affiliate programs.

    • Establish a steady income flow for the Yoked Yetis community.

  2. ACO Service Implementation

    • ACO services guarantee a smooth minting experience by employing a transaction-spamming bot.

    • Our provider ensures over 80+ transactions sent every second, optimizing your chances during hyped mints.

  3. Main Collection Airdrop

    • Distribute exclusive airdrops to holders of the main Yoked Yetis collection.

    • Reward early adopters and strengthen community engagement.

  1. Gamified Staking Launch

    • Introducing a dynamic staking system with daily Points

    • Stake to ensure you earn a piece of the rewards and benefits

  2. Raffles // Wheel of Fortune

    • Launch raffles, adding an element of chance to Yoked Yetis NFT ownership

    • Integrate the Wheel of Fortune for an added element of surprise & even more value!

  3. Gaming Tournaments

    • Host Yoked Yetis gaming tournaments, promoting community interaction and competition

    • Winners will be rewarded with exclusive NFTs, Points, gift cards, WL, merch, and other valuable prizes!

  4. Exclusive Whitelist

    • Establish an exclusive whitelist for early access to upcoming collections

    • Incentivize community participation and loyalty

  5. Raid2Earn

    • Introduce Raid2Earn missions for additional income opportunities - to be unveiled!

    • Engage the community in interactive and rewarding activities

  6. Gift Cards, Gym Memberships, Merch Integration

    • Expand the Points redemption options to include Web2 items in addition to Web3

    • Enable users to exchange Points for gift cards, gym memberships, limited edition Yoked Yetis merchandise, exclusive YY & partnerships traits & other customization, discounts, and much more!

Note: The roadmap is subject to adjustments based on community feedback, technological advancements, and market trends as well as community treasury levels. Regular updates will be provided to keep the community informed about the project's progress.

Last updated